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No, no. E' la norma. Io infatti, non riesco a suonare se non hanno il binding perfetto. :facepalm:

Una volta il proprietario di un pub, mi ha persino buttato fuori dal locale, appena s'è accorto che avevo una Les Paul col binding sbavato. :sorrisone:

ma quindi suoni male sempre?? :sorrisone:


Perchè tutte quelle che ho visto avevano il binding sbavato/imperfetto??

E' la norma, o erano tutti esemplari sfigati? :huh:

Non solo è la norma, lo fanno apposta per essere fedeli aglo originali.

La sbavatura va via grattando con l'unghia comunque.


Perchè non l'ho capita?? :blink:

maaaaa perchè apprezzo i p90 solo quest'anno ??

io quest'anno ho iniziato ad apprezzare la polenta invece, essendo terrone non l'avevo mai mangiata, però devo ammettere che, fatta in casa, è una primizia!


Ma si parla del binding o della vernicetta sopra?

Se è per quella, io la consumo a macchia.


Bellooooooooo, perchè la mia Traditional suona meglio di tutte le R, mi è costata un terzo ed ha 9 buchi nel culo? perchè i miei 57 Classic suonano meglio dei P90 della R4 di Bru che non esiste nemmeno nel catalogo Gibson?

perchè l'acero cotto è più buono di quello crudo?

perchè Giorgè pare strunzo invece e simpatico?


Ask Me What's Wrong with the Gibson Les Paul Neck

Question: Is the headstock angle designed wrong?
Answer: YES:

Question: Is the guitar too heavy?
Answer: Definitely YES:

Question: Is the weight distribution incorrect?
Answer: Definitely YES:

Question: Is the case poorly designed?
Answer: Yes most of the time, depending on the year.

Question: If they put a volute on the neck would that solve the problem?
Answer: Maybe, It would definitely be a step in the right direction.

Question: Why doesn't Gibson put a volute in the neck.
Answer: Don't know the answer, it would seem to be a clear admission of guilt.
If they actually finally fixed the original design.

Question: Is mahogany a good choice for a neck wood?
Answer: Most luthiers prefer hard rock maple on electrics.

Question: Is the guitar poorly designed?
Answer: In Ed Roman's opinion the guitar is not designed at all. It's nothing more than an exact copy of an old 1930's era Jazzbox made smaller & solid. If you look at any Les Paul neck joint it's obvious that it's the same joint that they use on the ES 175 !!

I have said for years that Gibson should simply break all the necks at the factory before the guitars are even painted. (Some People Think I'm Joking) Actually I'm quite serious !!!! Keep Reading

I know that sounds crazy, but consider this. They rarely if ever break once they have
been glued. Every Luthier knows that glue is far stronger than wood. If Gibson did this to their guitars, they could simply paint them after the repair, there would be no visible break and the final integrity of the instrument would actually be better.

This would be far cheaper for them than using
and doing a 5 piece lamination which would probably also fix the problem.

Rick installs a volute he uses a 5 piece neck and he uses 24 frets. The pickup positioning is adjustable and far superior to anything Gibson ever did.

When Rick Turner worked for Gibson he saved the company from bankruptcy, He is the one who signed Slash up as a Gibson Endorser. Without Slash, Gibson would have finally gone the way of the dodo. Oh well !!! Today I am building the Tiberius guitar which I believe to be superior to the Rick Turner.

Gibbreak534.jpgI have a large repair shop. I fix a lot of Gibson broken necks, The fix is easy and cheap because they all break in exactly the same place. They are all held together by their trademarked plastic "Bell Shaped" truss rod cover or by the thin phenolic overlay on the headstock. I can fix most of them usually for just a one hour labor charge and make good money doing it. What gets expensive is camouflaging or painting over the break to hide the ugly scar the break leaves.

This Next Section Will Astound You !!


We fix more Gibson Les Paul & SG Broken necks than all other broken necks put together from all the other companies in the world put together!!!
Here's the real funny part !!!
I cannot remember ever fixing a broken neck on any Les Paul Copy. I'm sure some of them had to break but in my 33 years in this business I personally cannot remember ever seeing one. There are over 100 companies out there that make dead on Les Paul Copies & probably about 500 of them that make close approximations. There are countless more that make singlecut style guitars in various shapes, weights & sizes. I have personally seen forgeries and actual counterfeit guitars. I swear to the fact that I cannot remember ever fixing a broken neck on any of those guitars.

Whether it be an Ibanez, Tokai, Heritage, Tradition, Samick, Washburn, Dean, Hamer, PRS, Burny, Jibson, Madore, Navigator, Guild, Triggs, Tom Holmes, Edwards Stephenson, Dillion, or even an Epiphone which is Gibson's cheapo exact copy of their own guitar. Why don't their necks break? I have absolutely no idea, I'm supposed to be some kind of guitar guru and I'm completely at a loss to explain that. It's the mystery of the ages. It makes no sense!!! Yet facts are facts simple & true!!!

As guitars go Fender is probably the most copied brand, then Gibson and
comes in as third. This page is about Gibson so I will stick to that subject.


Guild, Hamer, JET, Tom Holmes, Abstract etc all build a better Single Cut style guitars than Gibson. Common sense dictates that if they didn't make it better they couldn't sell it.

After all they all cost as much or more than Gibson does. There are plenty of companies that charge a lot less and still build a better guitar. Notably Ibanez, Tokai, Heritage, Burny, Navigator, Madore !!!

I am planning on putting up a bunch of photos of broken neck guitars. Please send me photos of what happened to your guitar. (Any Brand). I will post them all. I'll bet money that the Gibsons will always rule on the broken neck page.

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