Guest Raffus Inviato December 31, 2011 Segnala Inviato December 31, 2011 Dal mitico Ed Roman: LAUGHING OUT LOUD - VERY LOUD !!!!! Gibson invites you to witness a revolution. "Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar Corp, will address members of the press, artists and fans, with an announcement that will change music forever. This is more than a press conference. More than an event. This is an uprising!" I Think It's Pure Bullshit Myself Ed Roman On the internet people were buzzing about what the Revolution could be. Reasonably priced guitars that people can actually purchase? ALes Paul neck that doesn't break? Quality control? Maybe they were hiring people who could actually level & dress frets and cut a nut properly. It turned out to be another variation of that worthless Robot guitar with built-in effects. Ugly & definitely the wrong oversized headstock I almost feel sorry for Gibson.... Almost !!!! These corporate Wal-mart Idiots have really hit a new high in total & complete Ass-holery, I have been saying this for the last 25 years and I stand by every negative word I ever said about Gibson. When I was on Gibson’s payroll in the 90’s I was completely thrown for a loop when I started to realize the philosophies of this once great company. Henry Juszkiewicz & his band of stuffed shirt, Armani suited, bean-counting blowhards have successfully put the last nails in the coffin that was once a guitar worth collecting and investing in. Lets face it Gibson has never been innovative, even in their best days their standard designs are nothing more than re-hashings of guitars that hundreds of other people pioneered. Granted the Firebird, Vee and Explorer were very cool when they originally came out. But you must take into account that average Gibson players are far from innovative anyway. That’s why the original Explorer Firebird & Vee was met with laughter & Derision. The Robot Guitar failed miserably. When will this pack of idiots realize that Gibson people are looking for boring old heavy cumbersome guitars not because they are any good but because Jimi Page & Ace Frehley played one at some concert in 1966 This last vain attempt at attention grabbing BS is such a complete pitiful ploy that even the diehard Gibson fans will finally realize what a smelly pile of camel dung that they have been supporting all these years. Comments I Have Seen On The Internet Regarding Henry Juszkiewicz & His New Revolutionary Earth Shattering Guitar Aaaaaw It's so cute now he thinks he's Steve Jobs Go to the Gibson web site and click on Firebird X more info, and "page not found" comes up. How can they launch a new product and not have the web page working. Somebody really screwed up. Really. They should have hired an actor or professional speaker. Also does the world really need another $5,700.00 Gibson guitar? Now we have 2 people liking this out of 17,000 views..... Gibson is gaining some ground in the revolution. And the slide was shown for an awkwardly long time. And it said "elegance and fine detail". And after eternities the speaker looked at the sign, too as we all had been minutes before him. The sign whose few words (four) we had ample opportunity to read ten times over by now. And I thought "Please, speaker, don't read 'elegance and fine detail' out loud to us!" But he did. Business and music come together so beautifully......... Gibson; more time spent on creating decent instruments, less time spent in the boardroom please, now go, chop chop! Shame on you, Henry. For years now, inertia from the Gibson DE-EVOLUTION has been progressively increasing, and it's all your fault. Please note that us guitarists STILL want nothing more than practical instruments with decent quality, not futuristic nightmares priced like a vintage piece. On the Gibson website it's promoted as a "very lightweight, ultra comfortable and fast playing physical guitar". Wow a PHYSICAL guitar?! Wow, that truly is revolutionary...I'm sick of all these imaginary guitars that flood the market right now! I love how each of his presentation slides only have 5-6 words on them, and how it takes him a few glances each time to read them out loud word for word. With no. Enthusiasm. Whatsoever. Once again, Gibson has spent no telling how much money designing a product that ALMOST 0.001% of the guitar buying public will want. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, BECAUSE YOUR DESIGN TEAM ARE IDIOTS !!!! Most importantly The man has no passion for the guitar, No matter what he does he'll never be able to hide that fact !!!! He has no presentation skills simply because he probably is not a player !! He has no integrity, he has proven that over and over again with some of those imported limited editions that get assembled in the USA (Making it legal to be referenced as USA made) He has no enthusiasm for his own products.. just listen to the presentation. Unbelievable By the ones below actually Came right off Gibson's Own website (What is wrong with them !!!!) Jonny Peabucks I still can't get over how much this looks like a toy guitar or guitar hero type controller. And I still can't believe it's not butter. A shame to the Firebird name, bring back the Firebird Studio instead, that's a great guitar at a nice price! hubbley-eatsdick This thing sounds like crap. It actually sounds like a toy guitar from Target or something. Lol CletusBumpkin I'll be the first to admit that we musicians are sometimes too conservative--how many posts have you read saying "Marshall rocks, anything else is crap"--I'd like to think I'm a little more open minded than that, but... Oh. My. Ghod. It's obvious that no musicians were consulted in the design of this product. I checked my calendar to be sure it wasn't April 1. No, Gibson really intends this as a serious musical instrument. Priced at $30 and sold at WalMart, this would make a great toy for a deaf child, but "heavy power chords" is not going to seduce me into donating $5K to Gibson's little R&D project. Even more hilarious than the tones themselves are the riffs on these sound samples! Have you guys ever actually listened to Rockabilly, or Heavy Metal? Gibson, please stop embarrassing yourself! Flag Cita
tango1957 Inviato December 31, 2011 Segnala Inviato December 31, 2011 Per me è un gran strumento, certo la forma è migliorabile.... però prenderà piede. Ne sono convintissimo. Cita
Guest Raffus Inviato December 31, 2011 Segnala Inviato December 31, 2011 Che monnezza. Ignobile. Cagata ignobile Ignobile. Alle volte basta una parola sola Cita
Lurch Inviato December 31, 2011 Segnala Inviato December 31, 2011 These corporate Wal-mart Idiots have really hit a new high in total & complete Ass-holery, I have been saying this for the last 25 years and I stand by every negative word I ever said about Gibson. When I was on Gibson’s payroll in the 90’s I was completely thrown for a loop when I started to realize the philosophies of this once great company. Henry Juszkiewicz & his band of stuffed shirt, Armani suited, bean-counting blowhards have successfully put the last nails in the coffin that was once a guitar worth collecting and investing in. Lets face it Gibson has never been innovative, even in their best days their standard designs are nothing more than re-hashings of guitars that hundreds of other people pioneered. Granted the Firebird, Vee and Explorer were very cool when they originally came out. But you must take into account that average Gibson players are far from innovative anyway. That’s why the original Explorer Firebird & Vee was met with laughter & Derision. The Robot Guitar failed miserably. When will this pack of idiots realize that Gibson people are looking for boring old heavy cumbersome guitars not because they are any good but because Jimi Page & Ace Frehley played one at some concert in 1966 This last vain attempt at attention grabbing BS is such a complete pitiful ploy that even the diehard Gibson fans will finally realize what a smelly pile of camel dung that they have been supporting all these years. questo tizio è un grande! Cita
Greg Inviato December 31, 2011 Segnala Inviato December 31, 2011 tralasciando tutto il discorso elettronico mi sento di dire che è indubbiamente una delle cose più brutte che io abbia mai visto. Cita
tango1957 Inviato January 1, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 1, 2012 Guardatela bene.... spalla superiore con attacco tracolla sovrapponibile alla telecaster, sagomatura inferiore perfetta per suonare da seduti, attacco jack a lato per non rompre le balle, corpo sagomato a luna dove appoggia solitamente l'avambraccio dx, manico perfettamente raggiungibile anche negli ultimi tasti, elettronica da paura (altro che zoom) con piezo incorporato, meccaniche con roboaccordatore, una miriade di suoni..... immaginatela color legno walnut..... E' una Firebird con cassa rovesciata. Non ditemi che si suona/suona peggio di una LP. http://www2.gibson.c...rebird-III.aspx però... una Fender è sempre una Fender.... Cita
pamaz Inviato January 1, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 1, 2012 mi pare che abbia un sacco di cose inutili. la finitura caramella arancio-limone non aiuta. Poi magari la prendi in braccio e scopri che suona bene.Anche se tendenzialmente sono del partito che si tratti di una chitarra da tazorro terrificante. Cita
Guest Bru Inviato January 1, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 1, 2012 A me la forma piace parecchio. Sul resto, non capisco perché piazzarci dentro una chitarra tutte quelle cose; qualsiasi chitarrista preferisce crearsi da solo il proprio set e non restare vincolato a vita. Quindi è il progetto di fondo che è assurdo, il monoblocco, l'all in one, perché significa che non hanno capito che minkia vuole un chitarrista. Cita
hivez Inviato January 1, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 1, 2012 Alcune buone idee nascono azzoppate dal cattivo gusto, questa credo ne sia un esempio. Cita
hotrod Inviato January 2, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 2, 2012 Non è che sia solo brutta, è anche offensiva, a mio parere! Cita
romoletto Inviato January 3, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 3, 2012 e se non ricordo male costa pure un botto..............oltre che non se po guarda'...:)) Cita
Giorgè Inviato January 3, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 3, 2012 Io la regalerei al mio peggior nemico. Cita
romoletto Inviato January 3, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 3, 2012 questa è la chitarra di Star Trek............ahahha Cita
Guest Uilliman Inviato January 3, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 3, 2012 gioggetto vuoi dire che devo aspettarmi il corriere a casa? Cita
Nervous Nick Inviato January 3, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 3, 2012 è talmente brutta che in confronto anche la Corvus pare una figata.... Cita
Giorgio V. Inviato January 5, 2012 Segnala Inviato January 5, 2012 La X indica il punto in cui bisogna seppellirla. Cita
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