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Gentaglia bella (e brutta), ho provato a cercare qualcosa sul forum per il pedale in questione ma non ho trovato nulla... quindi ecco qui un thread apposito.




The Cocaine features the same optical compressor circuit as its little two-knob brother, the much beloved COCA COMPRESSOR but offers a lot more controls and tone-shaping features.

The compression is controlled by two knobs. They do pretts much what their labels say:
SUSTAIN adds nothing but clean undistorted sustain to your tone.
SQUASH goes from subtle tone-enhancing to a more pronounced compression effect, but even at full tilt it will preserve the attack of your instrument and keep its character.

VOLUME allows for a clean boost, unity gain is around 12 o’clock.

BASS and TREBLE are active (cut/boost style) controls for an effective tone shaping.

The BOOST knob controls an entirely independent circuit, activated by its own footswitch, just like another pedal in the same box. It’s located after the compressor in the signal chain so you can set the comp and eq for your base tone and hit the boost switch for solos (or the other vice versa) . The BOOST knob is something special. Its neutral setting is at 12 o’clock. Turn it to the right for a full-range clean boost or to the left for a lead boost with tighter bass and pronounced mids.

The COCAINE is not only a transparent, natural sounding and exceptionally quiet optical compressor, it also serves as a preamp, active equalizer and dual clean boost.
Whatever you plug in – electrical guitar or bass, piezo-equipped acoustic guitar (or any other stringed instrument) – the Cocaine will make it sound more balanced, sit better in the mix and generally just... better :-)
You’ll probably get addicted soon, hence the name.

Like most of our pedals, the COCAINE features an internal voltage doubler for increased headroom and superior dynamic performance.



Io usa il Coca Comp da tempo immemore. Che sia giunto il momento di fare un upgrade? :sorrisone:


.. difficile dare un parere senza averlo sotto le dita.. io con il Coca Comp mi trovo benissimo.. ancora adesso non riesco a decidere tra lui ed il diamond.. su alcuni terreni preferisco l'uno, su alcuni l'altro.. forse il diamond complessivamente suona più grosso e rock, specie nelle parti solistiche, il coca più fine e definito nei puliti e negli arpeggi..
Interessante sarebbe avere Coca e Cocaine fianco a fianco per uno shootout..

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk


Molto molto molto interessante....
Io ho un SonicEdge Tumbleweed (by Fargen) che è molto simile come concetto: è un tipo di pedale che quando ti abitui ad usare è difficilissimo da sostituire. Diventa parte integrante del tuo modo di suonare.

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