Thanks, chain: Guitar - JAM pedals Dynassor - Dry Bell Vibe Machine - BG Harding Baby Zonk - LAA Custom The Old GE Box - LAA Custom Germanium Fuzz MkII - ClinchFX Piceo-Pre - Amp..
Recorded with UAD OX Amp Top Box -> UAD Apollo -> Logic Pro X DAW, video software is Final Cut Pro X...
I mostly use it with Zonk, with comp I can get a bit more gain but same time it's very focused. With GE Box it's too noisy.
JAM Dynassor is good with fuzzes / overdrives etc..
And with wah it's great!
As you saw I had gain full, but "balance/blend" half way, so there was quite lot clean signal also with overdrive tonez, that combination is great, me like
It´s a great low gainer of course!